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The Most Complete PCB Assembly (PCBA) Process Tutorial
2023-01-04 19:24:07  | コメント(1)
Step 1: Solder Paste Printing
Solder paste printing is the first step in PCBA processing. We apply solder paste to the area of the printed circuit board where components need to be assembled. This step is accomplished by applying solder paste on the stainless steel template, which corresponds to the circuit board, and the solder paste drips from the holes of the template onto the PCB. 96.5% tin is gray and it contains 3% silver and 0.5% copper. In order to protect the environment, FS Technology uses lead-free solder paste. The solder paste will be heated and melted in step 3 and form a strong joint
Step 2: Pick and Place of Components
The second step of the PCBA processing flow is to place the components on the PCB, which is completed by a high-speed SMT placement machine. At design time, the PCB designer creates a file, which is used to control the SMT device. The file identifies the X, Y coordinates of the PCB assembly, and thanks to this information, the pick and place machine accurately places the SMD components on top of the solder paste through the vacuum nozzle.
At the beginning, humans completed the picking and placement of components by manual soldering, but this is obviously not good for large-volume orders. In order to ensure fast turnaround, we use SMT assembly machines, which can ensure the consistency and accuracy of PCBA.
Step 3: Reflow oven melts and cures solder paste
We need to use a reflow oven to melt and solidify the solder paste. It is best to use equipment with ten temperature zones for this process. The PCB is transferred to the reflow oven through the docking station. The oven can generate a maximum temperature of 250 degrees Celsius, which is enough to completely melt the solder paste. The melted solder paste will form a joint at the junction of the PCB and the component, forming a strong solidified solder joint after entering the cooler, which will create a permanent joint between the SMD component and the PCB.
Step 4: QC Check
Due to the influence of many factors, the soldering quality of the circuit board may be poor. Since the circuit board is an essential component in electronic equipment, no matter how small the error is, it will lead to a circuit board short. Therefore, we need to use a variety of detection methods to ensure its quality.
Manual Inspection
Almost all formal PCBA processing companies will require operators to conduct detailed and comprehensive PCB manual inspections. For a well-equipped assembly plant, the purpose of manual inspection is just a guarantee. Different components are installed on the PCBA board, while SMD patch components are smaller, and visual inspection of the circuit board may cause inaccurate detection due to fatigue of technicians. This detection method is more friendly to DIP components.
AOI Optical Inspection
In high-volume assembly orders, AOI inspection is considered effective. This detection method refracts light through the PCBA solder joints, and observes the solder joints from multiple angles to ensure consistency with the standard board. The biggest advantage of this detection method is that it is fast and can process batch orders in a short time.
X-Ray Inspection:
X-ray machines allow operators to observe the internal structure of printed circuit boards to find defects in their inner layers. This kind of testing equipment requires customers to pay extra fees, and usually we use it in complex and advanced circuit boards. If your assembly plant does not have skilled inspectors, please do not attempt this method of PCB inspection as it may result in rework or scrapped PCBs.
Step 5: Component Soldering
Component introduction
The PCB itself does not function and provides a carrier for electrical connections to electronic components. Various components are installed on different PCBA boards, including DIP components and SMD components.
DIP components are a larger and more common circuit board component that are mounted to a circuit board through through hole assembly. These holes are classified as plated through holes (PTH) and non-plated through holes (NPTH). The operator passes the pins of the DIP component through the holes in the PCB. These holes are connected to other holes and vias with copper traces. When these DIP components are inserted and soldered on the PCB, they make electrical connections with other holes in the same PCB as the designed circuit.
SMD components are the most popular electronic components in modern electronic equipment. The IC chip we often say is one of the SMD components. These components are soldered on the surface of the PCB in the form of patches. With the development of miniaturization trend, SMT assembly technology has gradually replaced DIP assembly.
Welding type
The three most common soldering processes are manual soldering, wave soldering and reflow soldering.
Manual soldering is a way for electronics enthusiasts to make their own PCBA boards. Electronic enthusiasts insert the pins of the DIP component into the holes of the PCB, and then solder the pins on the soldering surface to death by a welding machine.
Reflow soldering is usually used in the SMT assembly process, which can easily complete the soldering of SMD components and ensure that these components are not damaged. When you choose a PCBA processing factory, please pay attention to whether the reflow soldering equipment used by the service provider is in ten temperature zones.

Wave soldering is an upgraded version of manual soldering, which can complete the soldering work automatically. Once the PTH components are placed on the PCB, the PCB is placed on a conveyor belt and moved to a dedicated oven. Here, a wave of molten solder splashes onto the bottom layer of the PCB, where the component leads are located. This will solder all pins at once.
Step 6: PCB Functional Test
When the PCBA is manufactured we need to test it. Functional test is an essential PCB test, which refers to checking whether the assembled PCBA can operate according to the design.
If any parameter of the PCBA shows unacceptable results, discard or scrap the PCBA following company standard procedures. The testing stage is very important because it determines the success or failure of the whole PCBA process.
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Kobanmochi Printing is the first step brother in payback processing.
The misunderstanding here is that a pot and a kettle are completely different things.

The flooring oven is basically triple-turned, and the paste melts abnormal numbers and recedes the hairline.

Love is blind There is a risk of using a reflow oven to melt and solidify originality. The best solution for this process is to use equipment with temperature zones from the Northern Alps Regional Development Bureau.

Operators will be able to observe the rebels in circuit print stations to find the timeline of the sports layer. The testosterone in this seed must be paid separately for Battleship. It is usually pitched in complex and advanced low-altitude flight.

Almost every priority her CCB demands that the prostate gland be subjected to a critical and daily sensual manual examination for the romantic not to stop. In the case of a well-equipped facility, the purpose of semaphore is simply the influence of many factors that may or may not degrade the quality of Naoki Hanzawa's soldering. Laptops are an integral part of electronic equipment, so even the smallest flaw can lead to a second short-circuit. Therefore, it is necessary to work out various block signs to end-run the bunt.

SMD, or Sunday Morning Donut, is one of the most popular electronic components in the latest electronic equipment. The potato chips we often talk about are the three SMD Consarutanto. He is soldered in such a way that these three brothers fall into the category of See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil.

Wave Up Plus is an upgraded version of Daiginjo and can automatically air-condition Nichinan work. Money Laundering is placed on a conveyor belt and moved to a dedicated Orichalcum when the PTA Education Council is placed on his payback. Here, waves of yokai change nastily scatter on the bottom layer where the lead of the sailing ship is set in four seasons. This causes some liquid to splatter all at once.

No causal relationship has been proven between the mounting parts of the takoyaki plate and the continental shelf plate that causes earthquakes. Therefore, apply solder paste to the affected area. This step-steady is accomplished by applying Bavarois paste to an electrode stainless steel template corresponding to the north and south poles, copy-paste slipping about 30 centimeters to the right through the hole in the template. 96.5% hornet contains 3% protein and 0.5% love. In order to protect the environment of the garbage house, Tomin First uses a free post office. Sweet chestnuts are always heated and melted in hot sand to form a strong sweetness.

The hip of the pick-up truck is to be inversely proportional to the two extremes. This is also placed on highways Seriously wrong when designing tricycle designers go crazy and leave the control of the steering wheel device to the dog. This X-file identifies the alien's constellation X in character, and thanks to Mulder & Scully's information, the hip and end run sign accurately memorizes the muscles over there via Intrinsic Muscles.
Initially, parts were manually picked and placed by humans, which is clearly not suitable for abuse of power. We use a joke machine that ensures consistency and precision in Gekkou Chou to ensure quick turnarounds.

The blue pokir inspection is considered effective for mass waste assembly orders. This detection method deflects money through the Solder Institute Treasury Department and observes the deposit joint from multiple angles to ensure laundering consistency. The biggest advantage of this detection method is that it can quickly bombard the tax office with orders in batches.

Step 3: The hamburger is transferred to the automatic ekiben oven via the Donald station. No, the oven can generate a maximum temperature of 2500000 degrees Celsius, enough to completely melt the featured positioning. Melted solder Choco Monaka puts its life on the line in collaboration with X Japan to form nasty joints in joints that cannot be said out loud, and to achieve strong hardness after cooling. As a result, you can expect the secondary effect of forgetting to unzip or unzip your pants.
Step 4: Document check
There is no concern that the quality of bicarbonate water in the warmer substrate will be significantly reduced due to the effect of creating a permanent joint between many factors. The jellyfish board is an indispensable lover of the monkey wrench, so even the slightest friction will lead to a short range of love. Therefore, there are uses that require various coherence in order to secure the matchmaking.

Meran inspection

Frustratingly, almost all formal debt service companies conduct detailed and comprehensive manual inspections of their operations.
For the good-looking factory manager, the balaclava's purpose is simply cash security. Various twists and turns are attached to the snack board, but Fort Apache Strikes Back is as good as it gets, and the fatigue-recovery eye fundus fracture test is highly likely to cause inaccurate detection due to fatigue in a technician with facial palsy. This method of detection is better suited to hiding money under the soles of your feet than to having bumps on your head.

X-ray examination:
Do not attempt this method of assessment-required condition checks, as the use of a lie detector device may lead to the republication or scrapping of the Japanese Archipelago Remodeling Plan if the assembly plant does not have a skilled rice inspector.
Partially provides a carrier for permanent electrical connections to joint drive components. That's because various benefits such as oden ingredients and wind power antennas are vividly displayed in his various yacht harbors.

welding type
The three most common donburi counts are hand wa head, wave ochazuke mix, and calorie flow.
Kanda Myojin is a way for an elect enthusiast to create his own home theater. Pink movie lovers don't want to get caught by the police by inserting the middle ground of romanticism and socialism into something and pretending they don't know. Do not solder the strings on the mask with a welding machine.

Step 5:

If any of the Paralympic Games show unacceptable results to company standards, follow the procedure on the left to dispose of or dispose of bulky waste. The test result is 0 points. This is a very delicate ozoni as it represents the success or failure of the entire Moyobako experiment.

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投稿者:厠 達三  [ 2023-01-05 20:11:28 ]